Thursday, September 30, 2010

Computer Saga, Stage 37.2

No call last night. Apparently the part was shipped only on the 28th (Tuesday), so a tech will call me "within four business days". So probably next week, and then it will still probably be the wrong part. I pestered Sony to see what they could do while I am sitting here waiting for it and their only suggestion was that I borrow from a family member or friend. Luckily my sister is willing to lend me her desktop for the weekend, since I have a big lit review due on Saturday. She's awesome.

Also, I hung out with T last night (a friend from back home, we used to be in band together and his mom was my Young Women leader as well as my mom's good friend). We got Coldstone and saw Scott Pilgrim, which was fantastic. Highly recommend. Even if you don't know anything about gaming (I don't know much) but you can still appreciate eccentric filming styles, you will still love it. Hilarious.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The next stage in the great computer saga

I was right; my luck didn't hold. The part didn't come Friday. It didn't come Monday or Tuesday either. I called Monday to find out what was going on and they said I would receive a phone call either that day or Tuesday (yesterday). I didn't, of course. I called again, and received a clear "a technician will call you at 6pm tomorrow" (meaning today, Wednesday). I don't expect it to happen. If he does call tonight, I'll be very surprised and pleased, but of course with Thursday being my busiest class day he probably won't be able to come when I can be available (I had to skip class last time the tech came). And then it will probably not be the motherboard at all, but something else entirely, and I'll have to wait another week. On the other hand...General Conference is this week! Yay! And I have a lit review due Saturday! Not yay! My computer better be fixed so I can watch General Conference while writing it at home instead of having to write it on campus all day Saturday...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Computers hate me.

Remember that one time just over a month ago when I bought a brand new expensive shiny laptop? Remember how it was my first brand new computer, and how I'd purchased it because it was time for a laptop and I was sick of having to fix up my old computers all the time? Remember how badly I was looking forward to finally having a good computer that wouldn't give me grief, at least not for a long while?

...Yeah. My new laptop stopped working on Sunday. It won't even turn on. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to get my files back, though I did back them up two weeks before it broke. So I'll only have lost what I've saved since then, which isn't cool but it wouldn't be the end of the world. A technician came out this morning to fix my computer, only to realize that the new hard drive and other repair parts he brought were not the source of the problem. Instead, it is "probably" the motherboard, which he had to order. Usually it takes two days to get the part from Sony, then they send a technician out with hopefully it will be here by Friday. And hopefully a new motherboard is the correct part that will make my laptop work again. And hopefully I won't have to pay for any of this, since it should be covered by the warranty. BUT, knowing my luck so far, it probably won't be here until next week or later, a tech probably won't be able to come when I can be at home, and I will probably have to pay for something or other. "Is this real life? Why is this happening to me?!" (If you haven't seen that video, watch it. It will change your life. At the very least, it's guaranteed to make you laugh.) Sigh.

I didn't even name it Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, jr...

Friday, September 17, 2010

A boring update on my boring life

I was going to write about something interesting, but all I've got is...purple.

Grad school = Three weeks in. Exhausting. Generally good. Keeps me busy.

Work = Busy. Tiring.

Yeah, that's all I have to say.

Never get involved in a land war in Asia, and never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


Monday, September 6, 2010

A little of this and a little of that

Here are a few things that bother me, all of which have re-manifested themselves to me today:

1. People who have no respect for other people's belongings and pick them up, handle them, leave them lying around, etc.
2. (This is a new one) People who expect you to talk to them all the time but who never initiate conversation themselves, or they never ask follow-up questions or keep the conversation going. This is especially bad if you are around someone like this a lot.
3. People who purposely add lots of vibrato to their voices to make them sound "better" or more mature, when really they just sound fake.
4. People who take it upon themselves to "check up" on others, to make sure the others are doing what they think the others should be doing.
5. People who look down on others who don't follow a standard that they think the others should keep.

On the other hand, here are a few things that I am grateful for, related to the above:

1. People who always ask before touching other people's belongings, and who take good care of them when they borrow them.
2. People who know how to keep a conversation going and who are genuinely interested in what you have to say, and who remember the previous conversation the next time you talk.
3. People who have naturally beautiful mature voices and sing often, or on the other hand, people who don't have the greatest voices and know it, and they don't make the rest of us suffer.
4. People who let others over which they have no jurisdiction do their own thing, and don't correct them.
5. People who don't hold you to their standards and respect that you have the agency to choose what you will and will not do, and they don't judge you for it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

School, Roommates, and Other Randomness

First week of grad school = done! There are 13 people in my cohort (first year MS Sociology students), with 11 women and 2 men. Poor guys. We have a good mix of people from all over, one from NC, one from NY, one who hasn't been in school for about 20 years, about half or more of the women are married, and we have pretty varied interests in what we want to do with our degrees. Everyone seems pretty nice so far, and we're all making friends because we're in the same classes and grad lab all the time. Five of us went and got lunch in the Cougareat today, and like the creative people we are, we decided to give fake names to the Taco Bell people. We decided to give them the names of sociologists, so A told them she was Karl Marx, T said she was Emile Durkheim, I said my name was Weber (the guy wrote down "Vaber"), and then I heard C tell them he was "Brianne Burr", hahaha. It was silly.

I think I've read probably 400 pages just this week of sociology books, and written three papers. I was also supposed to present on a few chapters in one of our readings, but we didn't have time. I get to present that on Tuesday along with another topic for a different class. Lots of presenting and trying to impress, woo hoo. Next week the real fun begins, when I get to start working, too! I haven't heard back yet if I'm still accompanying that jr high musical this fall (did I blog about that?), but I'm hoping to hear back soon because she wanted to start that asap. So soon enough I'll be working about 26 hours per week (20 doing research and roughly 6 for the musical), with classes M-Th, and lots and lots of homework. Doable, but exhausting. I was hoping to make it to the gym and the temple regularly, too. Sigh.

Also, there was a HUGE spider on our door, just sitting on the middle of the outward side. Luckily one of the guys outside was able to kill it, but seriously, I'd never seen one so big. From one end to the other it was probably two inches, and a dark reddish brown color. FREAKY. My roommate C and I have been freaking out ever since about there being more...and then there were two more in our bathroom! Smaller ones, but still. I hate spiders! ("I hate sunshine! I hate horrible wholesome sunshine!!")

Things are turning out okay with my freshman roommate, L. She's gotten better about her alarm (setting it and turning it off), lights, leaving things out, etc. but there are other struggles. She's gone to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 almost every night (usually 10 or earlier), which is frustrating for me since I live in that room, too. No, she doesn't work early in the mornings; this means that she gets approximately 9-10 hours of sleep per night. She doesn't really have freshman friends, though we keep encouraging her to make some and hang out with them because she seems so overwhelmed by how "old" our ward is. (Here she is, thinking we're all old, and here I am, thinking that they're all young.) That, plus the fact that she doesn't work, means that she is home all the time, not really doing anything, just sitting around, occasionally reading or writing, but mostly seeming to wait for something that she never expresses, not even when you ask her. She doesn't ask questions or try to keep a conversation going...I'll ask her tons of things about herself, and she'll give very short answers and say nothing back. It makes for a lot of awkward silences. She has also already shown a tendency to judge those around her by what she deems to be their unrighteous behavior...hooray for yet another roommate who is like that! (I need to move out of Utah, they seem to flock here.) Thoughts on how best to handle this situation?

I am SO STOKED for Bones and for Glee. =) I want them to start right now!

"It took Linda, then it came after me. It got into my arm, and then it went bad, so I lopped it off with a chainsaw. But that didn't stop it, it came back big time..."