SO, my sister C tagged me to do this, and obviously that means I HAVE to do it now. I am obligated merely because I read her blog. Serves me right. Oh well, it's either do this or read Weber, and let's face it, I've already finished the interesting Weber stuff and don't really want to read the rest =P
1. What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever done in your life? Um...I seriously have no idea. I do ridiculous things every day. And anyway, isn't ridiculous in the eye of the beholder? =) Oh, I know one, I used to eat salt. Plain. I liked it a lot, okay? Also, one time on a dare I did the Tarzan yell at 10:30 PM in a mobile home park. I dressed up as "St. Patrick's Day" for Halloween once. Last year I performed (for no audience) an interpretive dance to Josh Groban with my roommate. There we go. I'm not ashamed of any of these things. =)
2. Describe your perfect vacation. Where, who with, what would you do, etc. Doesn't matter the cost! I would go with my spouse (this will have to happen sometime after I get married) to Europe, probably back to Italy, and just travel all over Italy for a few months. We would enjoy tons of glorious Italian food and gelato, enjoy the beach, enjoy the art, enjoy the warmness of the land and the people...and we would go to the temple in Rome. Obviously this trip will have to take place sometime after I get married and after that temple is dedicated. Seriously though, how awesome would it be to go to the LDS temple in Rome? If that didn't work out, we would do the same kind of things but in other parts of Europe, possibly all over Europe. If we did that, though, the trip would have to last longer to make sure we got to go everywhere we wanted. =) Now that I think about it, I think I'd prefer that to just Italy. I would love to go to Scandinavia and all over Ireland, Scotland, and England.
3. If you could automatically become fluent in one language, which one would it be and why? Either Spanish or Italian. Spanish because it would be extremely useful here in the U.S., or Italian because it is such a beautiful language.
4. You are stranded on a desert island and only have five books to read for the rest of your life. What are they? My scripture quad (4 books bound together with one spine = 1 book! I'm cheating the system!); The most recent General Conference Ensign; Harry Potter 1-7 bound into one book (ha ha! I'm cheating the system again! Man, that book would be huge...); How To Survive In The Desert: On Eating Desert Plants and Animals, On Finding Water To Drink, and On Avoiding Death by Poisonous Desert Creatures; and How To Build A Working Boat Using Sand, Rock, and Various Desert Plants.
5. You have the day off work/school and have no pressing responsibilities. What do you do with yourself? Go to the beach, of course. If I lived close to one, I would. If that's not an option, as it currently is not, I would find a friend to come with and blow off steam somewhere--maybe we'd go to the movies, maybe go shopping, or do something crazy that would probably involve spending money. Maybe I'd learn to hang glide. =)
6. What is your dream job? Do you think it's realistic? I would love a creative work life--to write books/stories/poetry, to write music, to perform music when and where I wanted. I don't particularly enjoy a rigid work schedule. I think this could be realistic for me if I get married and my husband's income is stable enough to provide for our family. If I need a more stable income, I don't think a job like this would be good.
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself? Any particular reason? I've never really thought about this before. I suppose I like my very unique quirkiness. I don't show it much until people get to know me--and indeed I would say very few people know it about me at all; most just know an aspect of my weird quirkiness--but I have some quirky habits, ways of talking, interests, talents, etc. that I like to think keep me at least somewhat interesting.
8. When you log onto the computer, what is the first website that you go to (after email or Facebook)? Well I was going to say Email, then Facebook...I suppose the next one is probably a toss-up between, hulu, and blackboard.
Now you know so much about me. Word. Okay, I am going to tag five people to do this, muahahaha...I don't know if anyone reads this, but I'm going to tag the authors of the following blogs:,,,, and
1. Of all the music artists that you have ever liked, which are you most mortified about that now?
2. When you were a kid, what did you want to grow up to be, and if you aren't that now, why not?
3. What is the one place to which you would most like to travel? What would you do while there?
4. What do you hate that other people inexplicably love? (*credit this question to The Sassy Curmudgeon)
5. Is there anything you have a weird fascination with that other people just don't seem to appreciate? What is it? How did you come to like it so much?
6. We can all think of at least one word that sounds weird, disgusting, just plain wrong, or makes our skin crawl. Without getting too gross, what is your least favorite word, and why do you despise it so much?
7. If you had the power to sign into law an amendment prohibiting a specific human behavior (i.e. using a Bluetooth or singing karaoke), what would you outlaw? (*credit this question also to The Sassy Curmudgeon--what?! I like the questions!)
8. What was/is your favorite cartoon?
I know getting any of you to fill this out (particularly you last three) is a definite longshot, but come on. Do it for the kids. ...and since none of you have kids (yet), do it for me. =) Here's lookin’ at you, kid.