This is a small nativity scene that I believe used to belong to my grandmother? (Correct me if I'm wrong about that, Mom.)
One side of my living room. (The couch is in front of that door because all that's behind it is the heater.) That advent calendar is from my childhood. And yes, the French horn is hanging over the heater dial thingy. =P
My roommate's lovely tiny tree, sitting on the table, and lights around the windows/door
My array of ornaments and stockings =) Figuring out how to hang those took some ingenuity...I took one of those metal sliding rod thingies (no idea what they're called) and tried to put in the window sill, but it was too short, so I had to tape cups on either side of it, hahaha. Now the ornaments and stockings have something to hook on to!
Most of all, though, I love the Reason for the season. I am so grateful to my Savior, Jesus Christ! At this time of year, many people celebrate the anniversary of His birth, but forget about the rest. This is a time to celebrate the anniversary of the beginning of the greatest Life that ever lived, the birth of the One who would Atone for all of us, who would suffer for our sins and sorrows so that if we will dedicate our lives to Him, we will be saved. His birth was only the beginning. Christmas is a time to remember that He, Our Exemplar, Our Redeemer, lived a perfect life. It is our duty to follow that example, and Christmastime is our reminder to be more loving, more generous, more giving, and overall more selfless.
Tonight was the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. The prophets admonished us to focus on the good, to remember the true purpose of Christmas, to give the greatest gift we can give to others (the gospel), and above all, to keep the Christmas spirit in our hearts all year long. May we remember to do so this Christmas season and always!