Monday, February 21, 2011

Guest Blog: To Blog, To Write.

This guest blog is brought to you by Kid In The Front Row, who had some spare time this weekend and wanted to go on tour with his blogging.  Kid is an anonymous film blogger; check out his blog if you're interested.

Why are we blogging? What the heck are we doing and who is listening? We don't really know what we're doing and most of the time we're convinced nobody is listening.

We're always convinced nobody is listening. We write and we write and we write, and no-one pays attention. Even at the Oscars; it's a day for the movie stars. Nobody remembers the writers. They only started remembering Aaron Sorkin after he had a cocaine habit.

It's strange how we take this as a norm. We know that blogging is uncool before we even start. Yet we still do it. It's like when you tell people you're a writer, you may as well have told them you had a one night stand with a chimpanzee. They think you're insane, or dreaming. This wouldn't be a problem except that society doesn't like the insane or the dreaming. But they're everything.

Where does a blog like "My Amphigory" fit in the world? Right now it might only have 10 readers, or 300 readers. And the most it will ever have might be 5000, or 50,000 -- but do those numbers matter? And who are they mattering to? Isn't it just great to be a human being who manages to type out your thoughts and ideas? It's a magnificent thing, and there are so many people doing it. Yet somehow, it's like we're still part of the uncool club. And we feel like we need to write better, and more often; in order to reach a prize. A prize that we don't even know. More readers? Fame? Understanding? Love?

What would happen if society valued its writers more? What if, when telling someone you're a blogger, they instantly gave you a million dollars and invited you onto a morning TV show? What if everyone found you more attractive because of it and your readership grew to ten million? Would it mean more, or less?

When you ask the questions, you realize how insane it is. All that matters is that we're all out there WRITING. Men, women, transgendered people; straight people, gay people, white people, black people, tall people, short people, disabled people, angry people, optimistic people, confused people, lonely people, boring people. At the end of the day; it's fantastic. The human experience is being inked down across the globe, every single second of every single day. And that's enough.

And thinking like that makes me want to worry less about how good my previous blog post was, or how many people will read the next thing I write. Because it's all just part of the fun of exploring who we are and what we feel.


1 comment:

  1. You ARE a writer. I love reading your blogs. You are gifted at expressing yourself. Thanks for your thoughts.
