Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Update-ally excellent

I said I'd update, so here I am, updating. I decided to give you a handful of descriptions along with my status in that area (see complete list of "-ally" words if you want to answer more for yourself). Enjoy.

(Response options = Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, or Excellent)

  • Academically -- Very Good; staying afloat
  • Accidentally -- Good; I'd like this to be Very Poor, but I am rather clumsy sometimes.
  • Altruistically -- Very Good; I'm trying!
  • Alphabetically -- Excellent, at least with the English alphabet
  • Annually -- Excellent; my age increases by one each year
  • Asthmatically -- Excellent; my asthma medication is out and I live in a place where the air is paper thin. Woot.
  • Atomically -- Excellent; I am made up of atoms, as is everything.
  • Behaviorally -- Excellent; my parents taught me well
  • Chronically -- Excellent; my existence is chronic
  • Coincidentally -- Poor; I believe my existence is not by chance, but some things may be coincidental
  • Conceptually -- Very Good, but sometimes I have difficulty explaining or understanding some concepts
  • Congenially -- Very Good, but I could be more friendly and sociable
  • Controversially -- Very Good; especially lately, I've been attracting controversial discussions and ideas
  • Conversationally -- Very Good; I can always carry on a conversation, but sometimes I lack for new ideas
  • Cordially -- Very Good; I try to be heartfelt and warm in my relationships
  • Corporeally -- Excellent; I've definitely got a body
  • Dentally -- Fair; My teeth are okayish, but I'm well overdue for a trip to the dentist
  • Detrimentally -- Poor; I try not to hurt others, but I'm human and can't control what might happen
  • Diabolically -- Very Poor, as I should be
  • Educationally -- Very Good; in grad school and working on my thesis
  • Elliptically -- Very Poor or Good; Very Poor if you interpret it as my own physically shape or orbit, but Good if you interpret it as how I am with an elliptical machine
  • Emotionally -- Very Good; I've got a few issues (who doesn't?), but am generally good
  • Environmentally -- Good, but I can definitely be better. I should plant a garden or something in my nonexistent yard.
  • Esoterically -- Excellent; only a small number of people with specialized interest can understand me =)
  • Eternally -- Excellent; we're in one eternal round
  • Etiologically -- Excellent; I'm a causal being, but I am also acted upon. Causation is present in my life.
  • Expressionistically -- Excellent; People have always told me I have a very expressive face
  • Fatally -- Very Poor, or I would not be writing this blogpost
  • Financially -- Fair; I'm in debt from school, but I have a good job that's keeping me afloat for now
  • Frenetically -- Poor; I'm rather slow these days =P must be the old age
  • Gravitationally -- Fair; not much is pulled to my gravity because we're all stuck to this here Planet Earth
  • Heterosexually -- Excellent; don't foresee any changes there
  • Hygienically -- Very Good; I take care of myself, but I find it annoying how often we humans have to shower =P
  • Individually -- Very Good; I'm still an individual, but I try to be united with those around me
  • Lackadaisically -- Good; I should be Poor in this area, but human nature makes that difficult
  • Legally -- Very Good; I'm not completely legal, but generally so
  • Locally -- Excellent; no matter where I go, I'm local
  • Logically -- Very Good, but not Excellent because as a human I'm ruled by emotion
  • Maritally -- Very Poor; hopefully that changes sooner rather than later
  • Medically -- Very Good; I'm relatively healthy and functioning
  • Mentally -- Very Good; I have to be to do well in school
  • Morally -- Excellent, at least I try to be
  • Musically -- Very Good; this has been suffering lately because I don't have time for it =/
  • Normally -- Fair; I fit into some norms, but not a whole lot
  • Nonsensically -- Poor; I'm generally practical but occasionally absurd
  • Nutritionally -- Good; I need to work on this, but I'm doing okay
  • Occupationally -- Very Good; I have a good job that's secure til I graduate
  • Optically -- Fair; I have lovely corrective contacts, so I can see well with them, but my vision is terrible
  • Optimistically -- Very Good; I try to be positive
  • Physically -- Good; see "Medically"
  • Pianistically -- Very Good; I can definitely do better here, but I don't have time right now. Silly school.
  • Politically -- Fair; I don't really pay attention to politics and I need to do so more
  • Professionally -- Fair; I'm still in school, but working on a grad degree and then a career, so hopefully this will turn around soon!
  • Socially -- Good, not Excellent; I think I need to move somewhere else
  • Sociologically -- Excellent; This is what I study all day, so I better be excellent here
  • Spiritually -- Very Good; I know I'm in the right place and going the right direction, but there is always somewhere to progress to spiritually
  • Temporally -- Good for now; hopefully I'll do better when I get a real job
  • Unequivocally -- Good; I need to learn to be more clear...
  • Unidirectionally -- Very Good; things pull you off the path, but I'm trying to head in one direction
  • Virtually -- Very Poor; I'm the real deal.
  • Vocally -- Very Good; I can speak, I almost never lose my voice, and I can sing
  • Zoologically -- Very Poor; I'm not much of an animal

Kirsti wanted me to answer "Wombatally" as well, so here goes...

  • Wombatally -- Very Poor; I am not a wombat.


  1. Thank you, Bri. This turned out to be an excellent break from my HW/research. It made me smile and laugh... :) Glad you are not a wombat!

  2. "Very Good; especially lately, I've been attracting controversial discussions and ideas" - ha ha!
