Wednesday, November 30, 2011


TWO HOURS until December begins.

ONE WEEK AND ONE DAY until classes are over.

TWO WEEKS until I am completely done with finals, papers, and everything for this semester.

TWO WEEKS until I am home in California for the holidays, where I will get to see my parents, my brother's family, meet my new nephew, and see my friends.

THREE WEEKS or so until my sisters and their families come down for Christmas, too.

THREE AND A HALF WEEKS until Christmas, when we celebrate Our Savior's birth.

FOUR WEEKS AND ONE DAY until my other brother comes to visit.

FOUR WEEKS AND TWO DAYS until I go to the LA temple with my family.

ONE MONTH until 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Let the countdown begin! How many advent calendars do you need this year???
