In Church today, we sang "More Holiness Give Me". It reminded me of how a few years back, I wrote an entry elaborating on the meaning of that hymn. Though I am long overdue for a fresh, new entry, I feel it is a good time to remind myself and anyone who may be reading of the significance of this hymn. Begging the forgiveness of those of you who would rather I not simply repost previous entries.
Bliss wrote the words and music to a beautiful hymn about 150 years
ago. That hymn is called "More Holiness Give Me". Too often I think that when we sing it, we just sing "more
----------, more -----------" without thinking about what it is we are
saying. These are my thoughts about the hymn.
a whole, this is a prayer. This hymn is a very personal pleading
between me and my Father in Heaven. When I sing these words, I am
pleading with Him to change my nature so that I can become more like
Him. Therefore, I ask for more of those qualities that are pure and
Godlike. "More" is not just a repeated word, but demonstrates an
increasingly greater desire for Divine aid.
think I will "translate" the words to this hymn. The words on the left
reflect the actual text of the hymn, and the words on the right reflect
my understanding of them and my ponderings.
More holiness give me Father in Heaven, please give me
sanctity and purity of heart.
More strivings within Please bring Thy Spirit here so that
I may feel it in my heart, and
have a greater desire to do good
and serve Thee.
More patience in suff'ring Help me not to complain so much,
to remember that trials are
necessary for me to progress
and to receive blessings.
More sorrow for sin Give me a sensitive heart that feels
pain for the sins I commit so
that I may repent and return to
Thee. Also help me to feel pain
for the sins of others instead of
disregarding them as "their
More faith in my Savior Strengthen my testimony of Thy
Son's infinite Atonement for my
More sense of His care Help me be more aware of my
Savior's everlasting care and
desire for my eternal joy.
More joy in His service Help me to find happiness in
serving the Lord.
More purpose in prayer. Help me remember that prayers
are not just words spoken
aloud, but a means for me to
counsel with Thee, for me to
come to Thee just as I might
come to my earthly father for
More gratitude give me Father, please help me to be more
appreciative of the countless
blessings Thou hast given me
and do continuously give me.
More trust in the Lord Remind me of Who is in control, for
Thou knowest all things.
More pride in His glory Strengthen me so that I am bold in
my adoration of Thy Son, that I
may shout His glory from the
More hope in His word Along with faith, give me hope in the
scriptures and the words of the
prophets, which promise eternal
blessings if we are faithful.
More tears for His sorrows Help me to feel more sorrow for His
sorrow, to feel more sorrow for
all the sins of the world and the
wickedness that He Atoned for
in Gethsemane.
More pain at His grief Allow me to feel even a portion of
the pain He feels for those who
will not turn to Him.
More meekness in trial Help me to be humble and
submissive in my trials so that
I may endure them well.
More praise for relief. Give me more gratitude when my
burdens are lifted, and help me
to remember Who is the reason
for such great blessings. Help
me to share that blessing with
others and praise Thy Name
all day long.
More purity give me Father, make me pure and holy,
that I may see Thee.
More strength to o'ercome Give me fortitude against the
draining power of tribulations,
and help me to endure well,
that my spirit may be
strengthened through it.
More freedom from earth stains Free me from the thorns of the flesh,
those sins that would chain me
for all eternity. Help me to
resist temptation where neces-
sary and avoid temptation
where possible, that I may be
free and worthy to worship
More longing for home Help me to not forget that I was once
at Thy feet, that I am only on
earth for a small period of time
to be tested. Help me to
remember that heavenly home
and have an ever greater desire
and longing to return to it.
More fit for the kingdom Mold me so that I become an
instrument in Thy hands, that I
may be able to accomplish Thy
will for the kingdom of heaven.
More used would I be If I can be molded into whatever Thou
wouldst have me be, may I be
used in whatever calling or
service Thou might require, and
as such I would be able,
available, and eager to serve.
More blessed and holy I ask Thee again to please give me
a pure heart and a spirit of
More, Savior, like Thee. So that above all, I may become as
Thou art.
I ask for these blessings with faith
to receive them, in the sacred
Name of my Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Beautifully said, Daughter. Love you.