Monday, November 22, 2010

Thankful for friends, family, the break from classes, exercise, fruit salads, writing three papers...

Thank you to my friends and family who read, and who commented, on my last post =) I very much appreciated your thoughts.

So, I'm sitting here, trying to work on a research paper. Obviously it is going extremely well, because I am on my blog, ignoring it... Anyway, I told my professor I'd send her my best draft so far by Wednesday or so. (Realization: that means I only have a day and a half to make huge improvements on it...yikes.) Unfortunately, she is one of those professors who gives confusing guidance, or no guidance at all, and so you don't know what to do, how to fix it, or how to fulfill her requests. I will be graded on this paper as though it is my thesis prospectus, which is it is not, so I feel like there is no point in doing it (except for the fact that if I don't, I fail the course, which means I have to repeat it. That should really be enough motivation.). So here I am, trying to motivate myself to work on this paper...and failing miserably. Sigh.

On the bright side, tonight I made a fruit salad with strawberries, kiwi, grapes, cranberries, and pomegranate seeds, and it was tasty and nutritious. Also, my run today was difficult (added 5 minutes in length from the last time I ran) but invigorating, and I feel strong. Also also, I don't have class again until next Monday, which is very relieving. Also also, my friend J is coming into town this week from CA, and I am excited to see her! Also also also also, Thanksgiving is on Thursday! So as long as I get somewhere with this paper (not to mention the other two I need to work on this week), this week should be a good one! =)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Eat lots of turkey, enjoy family, and thank the Lord for your blessings. If you're traveling, be safe! Enjoy the holiday...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, have fun with J! Meanwhile, good luck w/ all the papers you're having to write. Look at them as stepping stones to getting home!!!!
