Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!  Take a moment to honor those who have served and who are currently serving our country.  They deserve our respect and attention.  Read up about Memorial Day if you wish; I have posted the beloved poem "In Flanders Fields" to remind us of why today is important.

In Flanders Fields, by John Macrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
   That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
   Scarce heard amid the guns below.

   We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
   Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
         In Flanders fields.

   Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
   The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
   We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
         In Flanders fields.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Bond of the Summer Solstice at a Barnes and Noble in Russia

So I know that technically the "Summer Solstice" isn't until June 21, but come on now.  It's still in the 50's, and we've hardly had two straight days of sunshine all spring without a series of cloudy, stormy days following.  I'm not okay with that.  Then again, I am the one who decided to remain in Provo this summer...meh.  I need some California sun and beach!  Now, if only I can find someone who has a car, who lives in this area, and who wants to let me drive with them down to California, I could go visit...any takers?

I just finished reading "Bonds That Make Us Free", by C. Terry Warner, for my Marriage and Family class.  Good read, very thought-provoking, and may possibly affect many of my relationships throughout my life.  I recommend it.  However, take it with a grain of salt--I was not a fan of many of the metaphors, and many of the anecdotes made it seem as if every single experience is completely life-changing.  I struggled a bit with that.  But overall, it's a good read, and I recommend it.  Now I get to read "Anna Karenina" for the same class, and I get to finish it in about two and a half weeks.  I've heard it's really good, but the task seems pretty daunting at the moment...

Also, I went to Barnes and Noble last night and only spent $27 dollars!  Half of that was from purchasing "The Odyssey", as translated by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  It was more than I wanted to spend, but I love that story and that's my favorite translation of it, so I figured it was worth it.  I also got "A Tale of Two Cities" because I haven't ever really read it, and "The Silmarillion", which will go well with my current Tolkein collection.  I'm excited.  I love books!

I got a new phone this week, too.  My last one was ready to move on to the next life, so I purchased a new one.  Thus begins the birth of a new cell phone era in the life of Brianne.  Woot.  I really shouldn't be spending this money as I have none and I don't currently have a job, but hey, I'm optimistic.  Besides, I have two jobs lined up for the fall, so how bad can it get?  Heh...

Today's quote brought to you by Ocean's 13:
[Small earthquake hits]
- "What was that?"
- "You felt it too?"

Hee hee.  That's all for now.  Have a good one!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


LOVED last night's Glee episode. Matthew Morrison and Neil Patrick Harris singing Aerosmith's "Dream On"...that was awesome.  I don't care how gay he may be, Neil Patrick Harris is still just as attractive as (if not more than) Matthew Morrison.  Both of them have fantastic voices, and they sang an amazing  LOVE IT!  Haha.

Here's the full episode if you want to watch it.  If not, just watch the video clip of them performing it.  I highly recommend you watch at least the clip.  It is awesome.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Syttende Mai!

a.k.a., Happy Norwegian Constitution Day!  As a descendant of Norwegians, I am honored to celebrate the 196th anniversary of their independence.  Can you wait until 2014, with the 200th anniversary??  I wish I could celebrate this day with some fellow Norwegians, like the people below!

In Oslo
(image retrieved from:

Gratulerer med dagen, Norge!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Your basic D.I.D.

Hmm...lots of thoughts tumbling around today...but which ones to talk about?  I know, ALL of them!  Or maybe just the ones that pop into my head as I'm writing.  Okay.

RESEARCH:  So I'm working on some sociological research right now, basically continuing what I was doing last semester but now for academic credit and not for pay.  Kind of a bummer that I don't get paid, but at least I get something out of it.  I'm working with the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), gathering information that will show us whether or not there is a significant difference in a child's health and sexual outcomes when raised by a single mom or single dad.  Sounds interesting, doesn't it?  I didn't choose the topic, Mikaela did (my professor), but it is proving interesting.  The ECLS was given to a specific set of kindergarteners and their parents, and their progress has been followed up until the current year, their 8th grade year.  If only the program would work, though...unfortunately, this little dataset requires that you order a CD for full access to the data and codebook, which we did, but then you have to download a program from the CD onto your computer.  (P.S. the data is the actual results from each respondent, and the codebook is the list of questions a.k.a. variables that were asked with the numerical values given to each answer so that we can actually read the data.)  The ECLS program won't download to a flash or anything else, it has to be onto a computer, and it is very finicky, so finally after a zillion tries, I was able to download it to my home computer.  However, it's a really random weird program that nobody else has, so I can't take what I do to the data anywhere else unless by some random chance another computer also has this program.  Which none do.  In other words, I'm stuck at home.  At my first real research meeting with Mikaela and the other student researchers to show what we've done, they were able to pull out and show her everything because while they're answering the same research question, they're working with normal datasets like the NLSY79 that give you access online.  I, on the other hand, had to paste print screens into a word document and show her that because my work couldn't be saved into any other format, not even one to be read by notepad.  ANNOYING.  It gets better, though--this step is just reading the codebook and choosing the appropriate variables to be used, but the next involves actually cleaning up the variables and making them usable for the study...which requires SPSS, an expensive data analysis program that of course, I don't have.  There are a few select computer labs at school that have the program, but--surprise!--those computers won't let you download ANYTHING onto the computers, and if you are given permission to download something, that something is erased each night.  In other words, I can look at the variables at home, choose the ones I want to use, but then I can't do anything with them because I don't have the program at home (and can't afford to buy it).  BUT I can do stuff with them if I use a computer with SPSS--but then I won't be able to work with the variables as easily because I won't be able to see them.  Logical, no?  Argh, frustrating.  That's it, I'm movin' to Sparta.

CLASS:  I'm taking Comparative Perspectives on Marriage and Family, which is very interesting but requires a LOT of reading.  Knapp loves huge reading assignments; he thinks they make us smarter, which may be true, but certainly makes us get behind in our work.  We have our midterm next week, then it's off to the second half of the class.  I can't believe we're already half done!  In the second half, we get to read Anna Karenina--supposedly not the whole book, just segments of it, but the course outline currently shows that we're reading the entire 817 page Russian novel in three weeks.  Yikes.

READING:  I've been whipping through the Percy Jackson books lately, which have been fantastic.  Definitely written for children, but still, very enjoyable.  Much like a Harry Potter series for Greek mythology lovers--very similar in style, character development, and basic overall plotline.  I highly recommend them.  After that, I'll proceed onto the Fablehaven books.  I've gotten finish them before Amy leaves at the end of summer, because she's taking them with her.

TV SHOWS:  Glee and Bones are where it's at right now, my friends.  Those are my t.v. shows, and if people try to bug me between 8-9 on Tuesdays (Glee) or 7-8 on Thursdays (Bones), I am not happy (same goes for Amy!).  I apologize in advance if you try to talk to me during those times and I ignore you, but consider yourself warned.  Yes, I've heard of Hulu, and yes, I'll watch the shows on Hulu if I can't do it live.  But my old school computer hates Hulu and pretty much any online videos; they don't work half the time and the other half of the time are very skiddish and just really not worth it.  So yeah.  =)  Glee has taken some interesting turns lately, and I'm wondering how the season will end.  I have mixed feelings about the show; I love the music and I've grown to love the characters, but some of the plot developments are not that great.  They've been throwing in a lot of dirt lately, too, so we'll see whether or not it's worth it to keep watching.  Bones is fantastic, as always!  Last night's episode with the Gravedigger's court case was extremely intense; all the important evidence kept getting thrown out because of legal issues, and when they finally found her guilty (on only one charge, though), it got even more intense.  Max's wallet was stolen while he was in jail, so I'm thinking the Gravedigger will somehow get someone to work for her or escape from prison and attack Brennan's father, whose information she probably got from his wallet.  I had a dream about that very possibility last night, haha.  By the way, for those of you who don't follow Bones, which is many of you, I'm sure, the Gravedigger is a serial killer that they've been fighting since early season 2 (we're about to finish season 5).  She captures individuals, typically using a high voltage stun gun, then buries them alive in various places, telephoning with a distorted voice recorder to demand ransom.  If the ransom is paid, GPS coordinates are provided for the victim, and if not, the victim dies and may or may not be found later.  Brennan and Hodgins were buried alive together back in season 2, and because of their brilliance and the brilliance of their colleagues, they were able to be rescued barely before suffocating.  In season 4, Booth was captured by the Gravedigger, and they were barely able to get him out only because they found out who the Gravedigger was--a woman named Heather Taffet.  Taffet wouldn't tell them anything because she's a brilliant psychopath, but they found Booth and had her thrown in custody.  Unfortunately, Taffet is also a really good lawyer who defended herself in last night's court case and almost got herself cleared.  Booth, Brennan, and Hodgins were only allowed to testify as expert witnesses if they were not considered victims, which meant she was only tried on one case.  Anyway, the jury found her guilty, but I don't think it's over yet.  What is really surprising to me about the show is that they threw us for a loop again--Brennan told Booth that she's getting tired of the whole catching murderers thing.  She said it weighs her down, all the sadness, the difficulty, the stress, just the heaviness of the work.  Will she quit?!  If so, what will happen between her and Booth?!  Next week is the season finale, and I've gotta know :-o

Uhh...that's it for now.  I've already written too much, so I'll close.  Have a great weekend!  As my high school AP English Language teacher used to say, "Just because they pass it doesn't mean you have to smoke it."  We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do you say? Come on.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


As it is Mother's Day, I feel it is fully appropriate to give a shout-out to all your wonderful mothers out there.


=)  I hope that brings someone a smile, at least...including those husbands who are giving their wives a break by spoiling them or doing their chores.  Remember, just because you aren't a mother in the literal sense of the word doesn't mean you aren't a mother in another sense.  As for the men, well, maybe you've done some mothering, but if not, just remember your own mother and the mother of your children.

Thank goodness for mothers, without which we wouldn't have learned many of life's lessons--practical, spiritual, emotional, and the rest.  Happy Mother's Day to all!

"Any dog can give birth. That doesn't make it a mother."

Friday, May 7, 2010


It's FRIDAY!!! WOOO!!!!!!!

...yeah, that's pretty much all I got.  Have a great weekend!  =)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Okay, now I actually have something to say. ish. maybe.

So it's a brand new day, and the sun is high, all the birds are singing cuz you're gonna die...except not really. Well, you will someday (most likely), but it is highly unlikely to have any connection to today's sunniness and bird singingness.  Unless you die from the avian flu or sun exposure.  (For those of you who think I'm totally insane, I often quote movies or books. This is is one of those times. So anytime you think I'm crazy, remember that I'm probably quoting something. I might not be, though. I might really be crazy. That's for me to know and you to find out.)

ANYWAY.  Today IS a brand new day, and it's an awesome day for several reasons.  ONE, it's Cinco de Mayo.  Hooray for Mexican pride!  TWO, and more importantly to me, it's my brother D's birthday!  Woo hoo!  Happy birthday, bro!  I'd tell you how old he is, but I'm not sure if he wants me to do that...let's just say that he's joining our other brother in a decade of years that the rest of us youngun's have yet to meet.  Happy birthday, D  =)

Today also marks some other things, so I'll continue along the number system that worked so well for us before.  THREE, it's the first day of non-droppable classes for spring term (yesterday was the ADD-DROP deadline) I'm stuck!  But that's okay, I really like my classes.  I'm taking Comparative Perspectives on Marriage and Family, an elective Sociology course that so far has proved very interesting.  Monday's class was a little awkward--one older single lady was very offended by her own misinterpretation of an important LDS doctrine concerning marriage, and a freshman girl was very confused about two other doctrines...but I'll spare you the details, unless you're interested.  Suffice to say, it was incredibly awkward.  Hopefully today's class is better.  Also, I'm "taking" a research course, which means I do research for a professor and she gives me academic credit for doing it.  Woot.  Which brings me to item number FOUR, which involves me beginning that research today!  Yeah, I'm so excited.  I actually like doing research (what that a quote or am I actually crazy?), and this particular project involves analyzing whether or not there is a significant difference in a child's health and sexual outcomes when raised by a single mom or a single dad.  Should be interesting.  FIVE, I've actually written something worthwhile in my blog.  SIX, um, I'm out of things to say, but I'm sure there are more.  =)  Enjoy the day!

I've decided to end each of my entries with a quote from something.  Will it be serious?  Will it be amusing?  Will it be peculiar in every sense of the word?  Probably one of the above, and possibly something else as well.  That being said...

Last night as I lay in bed and looking up at the stars in the sky, I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hey, my first blog!

...That is, in the last few years. I used to use xanga, but I gave up on that one a while ago. I figured that most of my friends have blogs, as well as most of my family, so why not? Anyway. I have nothing interesting to say as of yet, but do not worry, it will come.

If you build it, he will come.

Ahem. That's all for now =)