Sunday, May 9, 2010


As it is Mother's Day, I feel it is fully appropriate to give a shout-out to all your wonderful mothers out there.


=)  I hope that brings someone a smile, at least...including those husbands who are giving their wives a break by spoiling them or doing their chores.  Remember, just because you aren't a mother in the literal sense of the word doesn't mean you aren't a mother in another sense.  As for the men, well, maybe you've done some mothering, but if not, just remember your own mother and the mother of your children.

Thank goodness for mothers, without which we wouldn't have learned many of life's lessons--practical, spiritual, emotional, and the rest.  Happy Mother's Day to all!

"Any dog can give birth. That doesn't make it a mother."


  1. THANK YOU!!!! (shouted, of course.)

    It's nice having this day to reflect on the blessing of the children who made ME a are one of those. Thank you, Brianne.

  2. Aww. How sweet. Hope you had a good one, too! =)
