Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Bond of the Summer Solstice at a Barnes and Noble in Russia

So I know that technically the "Summer Solstice" isn't until June 21, but come on now.  It's still in the 50's, and we've hardly had two straight days of sunshine all spring without a series of cloudy, stormy days following.  I'm not okay with that.  Then again, I am the one who decided to remain in Provo this summer...meh.  I need some California sun and beach!  Now, if only I can find someone who has a car, who lives in this area, and who wants to let me drive with them down to California, I could go visit...any takers?

I just finished reading "Bonds That Make Us Free", by C. Terry Warner, for my Marriage and Family class.  Good read, very thought-provoking, and may possibly affect many of my relationships throughout my life.  I recommend it.  However, take it with a grain of salt--I was not a fan of many of the metaphors, and many of the anecdotes made it seem as if every single experience is completely life-changing.  I struggled a bit with that.  But overall, it's a good read, and I recommend it.  Now I get to read "Anna Karenina" for the same class, and I get to finish it in about two and a half weeks.  I've heard it's really good, but the task seems pretty daunting at the moment...

Also, I went to Barnes and Noble last night and only spent $27 dollars!  Half of that was from purchasing "The Odyssey", as translated by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  It was more than I wanted to spend, but I love that story and that's my favorite translation of it, so I figured it was worth it.  I also got "A Tale of Two Cities" because I haven't ever really read it, and "The Silmarillion", which will go well with my current Tolkein collection.  I'm excited.  I love books!

I got a new phone this week, too.  My last one was ready to move on to the next life, so I purchased a new one.  Thus begins the birth of a new cell phone era in the life of Brianne.  Woot.  I really shouldn't be spending this money as I have none and I don't currently have a job, but hey, I'm optimistic.  Besides, I have two jobs lined up for the fall, so how bad can it get?  Heh...

Today's quote brought to you by Ocean's 13:
[Small earthquake hits]
- "What was that?"
- "You felt it too?"

Hee hee.  That's all for now.  Have a good one!


  1. I haven't read Anna Karenina, but I've seen two movie versions of the story.

  2. I'm not very far, but I'm actually really enjoying it. I hope I keep liking it...I'm told that it is full of disaster after disaster following multiple bad decisions, so we'll see.

  3. So glad you get to, get out in the sunshine (WHENEVER it comes), and lie on the grass with that good book. We miss you tooooooo. Anyone with a ride for my daughter to CA this summer????

  4. If we can swing it, we'd like to come down sometime this wouldn't be for very long, I don't think, but it sure could be fun. Just hope and pray that Cody gets a good job, and then maybe we can come down more often! =)
