Monday, September 6, 2010

A little of this and a little of that

Here are a few things that bother me, all of which have re-manifested themselves to me today:

1. People who have no respect for other people's belongings and pick them up, handle them, leave them lying around, etc.
2. (This is a new one) People who expect you to talk to them all the time but who never initiate conversation themselves, or they never ask follow-up questions or keep the conversation going. This is especially bad if you are around someone like this a lot.
3. People who purposely add lots of vibrato to their voices to make them sound "better" or more mature, when really they just sound fake.
4. People who take it upon themselves to "check up" on others, to make sure the others are doing what they think the others should be doing.
5. People who look down on others who don't follow a standard that they think the others should keep.

On the other hand, here are a few things that I am grateful for, related to the above:

1. People who always ask before touching other people's belongings, and who take good care of them when they borrow them.
2. People who know how to keep a conversation going and who are genuinely interested in what you have to say, and who remember the previous conversation the next time you talk.
3. People who have naturally beautiful mature voices and sing often, or on the other hand, people who don't have the greatest voices and know it, and they don't make the rest of us suffer.
4. People who let others over which they have no jurisdiction do their own thing, and don't correct them.
5. People who don't hold you to their standards and respect that you have the agency to choose what you will and will not do, and they don't judge you for it.


  1. "people who don't have the greatest voices and know it, and they don't make the rest of us suffer" = ha ha ha ha ha!

    You're so funny, Brianne!

  2. know you are grateful to them, too! =)

  3. I'm sorry you're having problems. Feel free to come over to our house anytime you want to get away :)

  4. I enjoy our conversations! :) I hope you do too! lol. I agree wholeheartedly especially with not judging people. That is my biggest focus in life, to not judge people. However, I teach music to elementary school kids so I want them all to sing their hearts out no matter their vocal ability. hehehe I am sure your situation is a bit different though! ;) Keep looking on the bright side of things, or you're likely to go crazy.
